Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Finding Paradise on Boracay

I've never been much of a Boracay fan. As much as I love its crystal clear waters and fine, fine sand (and I believe it when people say that it's probably one of the most beautiful beaches in the world), I just never became a Boracay-Island-Regular (and I know people who go there more than once a year, every year). I imagine, I might've been one, had I been lucky to have gone to the place in its virgin-island days.

In my recent trip to the island, on a company outing, I set out to find that paradise that is Boracay for myself (or Fab Boracay as my gay friends call it) inspite of the things that precisely spoil it for me: the crowd, the noise pollution from all the partying, and the all-out commercialization (Regency is now operational, Shangrila Boracay is in the works). And simply opening up to the idea of paradise helped me actually find it.

First times
I grew up riding airplanes, but it was my first time to ride a small commercial plane -- a 16-seater plane that flew us straight to Caticlan in just 35 mins! I wasn't worried about the flight, instead, I was amazed on how such a tiny plane can offer commercial rides! It even looked smaller than a bus or an MRT cart! Amazing, really. Heck, if it can take you to your destination faster, why not?

It was the first time for me to go with friends (specifically without a significant other). I always had this belief that Boracay could only be enjoyed with a special someone. But my wild and crazy officemates changed my mind.

I actually went on my first banana boat ride!!! Now I've been swimming long enough (since I was 4 years old) to know how diving and hitting hard water the wrong way can actually hurt. That's why I've always had said no to this ride. But this time, I didn't (more like I couldn't) and I found out that it wasn't so bad afterall. I had a lot of fun shouting my lungs out waiting for the banana to tip over. And I'd probably do it again (well, maybe after some convincing).

Peer Pressure (made me do it)
You'd think that at this age, this wouldn't work on me anymore. But, was I surprised.

The banana boat ride? Peer pressure.

Officemate 1: AnneMac, banana boat ka tomorrow?
AM: ayaw.
OM 2: Join ka na, AnneMac!
AM: Hmmm...isipin ko.
The next morning...
OM 1: O, game ka na?
AM: No, thanks.
OM (in unison): Sumama ka na!!!
AM: speechless.
OM3: You need to experience this before you get married!
OMs (in unison again): Oo nga!
AM: Fine! (such bullies!)

Getting drunk? Peer pressure. I'm not much of a drinker. Believe it or not, I can survive a gimmick without touching one single drink (though I can act more drunk than anyone). Plus, being allergic to certain alcoholic drinks, discourages me to do so. But every night in Boracay, I was drinking like a fish. I think I actually raised my alcohol tolerance in just a couple of days.

Smoking? Peer pressure. I have been "clean" for almost 2 years now. Oh, this group didn't (bad) influence me to smoke, but they DIDN'T STOP ME EITHER! They were very much willing to give a stick whenever I'd ask for one, when they normally wouldn't. Ah well.

New things I learned about me!
1. I've stopped enjoying loud parties.
A few days before leaving for Bora, my officemates and I were talking about partying till the wee hours of the morning. We even researched on the events lined-up for the weekend and found out the Bikini Open was happening the time we'd be there (the thought of oggling at those gorgeous, yummy bodies of men excited me!). But I found out, to my surprise, that I wasn't much into partying anymore. Once the crowds started spilling into the bar we were at, I'd split. To me, it was just too chaotic. Could be a function of age, but I'd prefer simple (even senseless) conversations over bottles of beer, laughing my guts out with friends in a quiet bar.

2. I'm becoming (gasp) a Morning Person.
I've never been the type to wake up and watch the sunrise (though I hear the Bora sunrise is beautiful), or stroll on the beach to take in the morning air, or take advantage of the free buffet breakfast. On trips like this, my morning mantra is "I'd rather sleep". However, I found myself up and early, walking the whole stretch of Boracay (station 1 to 3), taking photos, having breakfast, and actually enjoying the quiet that mornings bring.

3. Myself = Good Company
As a social being, I prefer doing things with other people - while taking walks, eating, or even just bumming around. Being alone (especially eating alone) always gave me that sad feeling. But since I'd been up early, I'd be left to myself while everyone else slept. But instead of indulging in self-pity, thinking that I didn't have any friends, I actually enjoyed keeping my own company! I got to do some thinking, talked to myself (not aloud), singing (kind of aloud but more of humming), and just staring out into space.

4. Feeding the Bookworm in Me
It's a very small bookworm mind you. I've always taken to the TV or Movies over books. Yeah yeah, Myke has been encouraging me to read more, often by buying books he thinks will get me to read. His batting average is getting pretty high I must say. On trips like this, I do usually bring books but always end up taking them home without even touching them. Not this time. Surprisingly, I actually found the time to read the book I brought along with me. I even found myself halfway done with it. Ha!

Things that will never change
As much I discovered a lot of new things about myself, I guess there are things that will always be constant in me.

1. You are the dancing queen....
I didn't wait for the bars to fill-up to start dancing. Yup, with or without a dance partner, or people dancing around, I am still going to dance. I love dancing, and I guess age will not stop me from doing so.

2. The old single charm

In my entry below, I jokingly mentioned about experiencing singlehood again. I guess it was half-meant. At the back of my mind, I was thinking whether I would still experience being "hit on" by guys. You know, guys wanting you meet me, or buy me drinks. And, what do you know, my charm still works! As my officemates and I were drinking right outside on of the bars, some guy (not really cute, but not ugly either), walked behind me and "accidentally" shoved me a little...

Guy: Sorry, miss.
AM: It's alright (with a straight face -- no smile, no nothing).
OMs: Sinadya yun!
AM: (rolled my eyes)
A few minutes later...
Guy: Miss, I'm really sorry about kanina.
AM: Huh? (didn't recognize his face immediately)...Ah! Okay lang, don't worry about it.
Guy: Can I buy you a drink?
AM: (thought balloon: what a pathetic pick-up line!) No, thanks.
Guy: Are you sure?
AM: (starting to get pissed off and ready to snap at him). Yes.
At this point, I noticed my officemates had stood up from our table, one by one and were watching from afar. Not to mention teasing and laughing at me. Argh!
Guy: Okay...(a moment of silence. still not leaving me alone.)
AM: (staring a him, giving him the "what else do you want?" look)
Guy: Oh, btw, I'm (I forget his name -- I actually didn't hear because of the noise around).
AM: (thought balloon: "Style mo, bulok"). Hi. (smiling -- not sure if it was genuine)
Guy: And you're?
AM: (thought balloon: Puta, ang kulit!) Michelle (my default pseudo name).
Guy: Hi, Michelle (seemingly wanting to strike a coversation).
AM: (smiling. thought balloon: "Pag di pa 'to umalis, babarahin ko na 'to")
Guy: Nice meeting you (extending his hand to shake mine).
AM: (shook his hand and just continued smiling until he left).

I'm not the friendliest person on earth. And I'm not the type who would entertain encounters like this BUT this fed my ego knowing that I can still be in the market! Hehe.

Finding Paradise
In Boracay, some people like to party. Some people like to swim and sleep. Some people like to try out all the water sports or go food tripping or to meet people (or to stay away from people). And I guess in the process, they experience moments of peace, and quite, and clarity and discover a little bit more of themselves, like I did. And that, to me, was the paradise I found in Boracay.

PS. But I still prefer to go to Boracay with a special someone and I'm glad I found my constant Boracay buddy. And the Bikini Open? Boring. 'Twas more fun people watching by the shore.

(I'll post pictures in another entry, soon.)

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