Sunday, June 19, 2005

Walk me down the aisle, Daddy...

I rarely (and I mean rarely) get bouts of loneliness. And it takes a lot to make me feel sad. But there's one thought that can easily let the feeling creep in without warning -- MY DAD. I only have happy thoughts about my father (he's my hero), which makes the feeling even worse.

It's been 9 years since he passed away. I have long accepted and gotten over the fact that he's gone. Yet there are times when I can't help but feel bad that he cannot be (physically) present in my life. Gahd, I terribly miss him!

Here's a picture I always carry around and hold in my heart.
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Our last Christmas together.

Lately, another sad, sad, thought has been constantly piercing my heart with such pain that I can't help but shed some tears. It's the thought of my dad not being there to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day...

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