I have never been fond of desserts. I'd only eat desserts when they were offered and be picky about accepting them. I'd occasionally look for them if only to wash out the taste of my meal . But I've never been one to be suspected as having a sweet tooth.
But, lately I've started to change. And I tried to pinpoint where it all started, and I can only blame it on my officemates who always, always have something sweet after lunch and merienda! And unknowingly, slowly, and surely, I think I got sucked into the same habit.
So, here I am constantly craving for dessert! Gasp! Not only that! I also have acquired a list of favorite sweet stuff that I CANNOT say no to! Oh dear.
And here are my new found friends...
Caramel Cake
Not exactly a new one. Even as a kid, I had always preferred caramel cakes over chocolate. My all-time favorite, of course, is Hizon's caramel cake (Just an aside, I am now related to them by affinity, so the cake now comes to me!)! But, as this sweet tooth of mine started acting up, I've been in hot pursuit of other caramel cake makers, and what do you know, I found some!
- Ensaymada Factory. Their cake is a simple sponge cake (I think it's angel cake. You have to pardon me because I am no baker.). But the thick caramel-custard (I don't really know) is what makes it extra special. I have no idea what goes into that it, but it sure is heavenly! Call 895-9476 to order. You might want to try out their very sinful yema rolls and Canonigo.
- Estrel's. Because of it's distance (you need to pick up this cake from QC!), it took me months from the time it was recommended to me, to finally order and try it out. It tastes just okay for me. Don't get me wrong, those people I got to share it with liked it! It's just that the level of sweetness was not enough for me. But what's special about this cake is the way its decorated! It's too beautiful to eat! Best given as a gift. If anyone is celebrating his or her birthday, call 372-2965 and this cake will surely make his or her day.
- Costa Brava. Yet another one that you need to order and pick-up. It tastes like Estrel's but with no frills decoration. Nice thing about this though is it's in the heart of Makati! If you're interested, call 896-1267.
If you know of any other good caramel cakes out there, do let me know.
Figaro's Chocolate Cake
My boss and I decided to have coffee after a draining meeting. He's the type who needs to have dessert with his coffee (not the other way around). So he ordered this small cake and had the waiter heat it a bit. When it was served on our table, it smelled so good that just I had to taste it! The moment I put the tiny piece in my mouth, all I could say was "Oh...my...god!!!" After that day, I think I ate this cake every single day for an entire week!
Divine Desserts
This bakeshop is a pleasant discovery. Myke and I actually drive by this shop almost everyday but we never really took notice of it. Until my officemate brought leftovers of what he called a Blackout cake, sharing it with us, promising that the cake is a real winner. And yes, it was! Very moist and tasty, with the right level of sweetness (reminds me of the chocolate cake from Shell Magallanes). Then one time they had this cake called Caramel Fudge and because it said "caramel" I decided to give it a try! And this is definitely more of a winner than the Blackout cake! It literally melts in your mouth! YUM-MY! This place is located along Katipunan Road, near White Plains. You might want to call first before dropping by because they only bake a few for walk-in customers (proof that their cakes are all freshly baked). Their number is: 913-9875
Cadbury's Three Wishes
I like chocolate. But only milk chocolate. I don't eat white (too sweet) and dark (too bitter), and you can never make me. Until one of my officemates (told you I have them to blame for these sweet cravings of mine) offered me this really addicting bar of chocolate which I thought was milk chocolate only to find out (after consuming half the bar, because I only saw the top layer) that it actually has milk chocolate as its top layer, white for the middle layer and dark for the bottom layer! I was surprised because I didn't taste the sweetness of white and bitterness of dark. I thought the white and dark layers were fake (colored milk chocolate, I mean), so I took the layers apart and on their own, and found that they did taste like they're supposed to taste. But put together, it's chocolatey, creamy with the right level of sweetness. I rarely see this variant, but do look out for them on your next visit to the grocery or Watson's.
If I remember correctly, the first and last time I had this was way back in college. I wasn't really impressed by it and never tried it again. Recently though, while in Eastwood I wanted to eat something refreshing and a dippin' dots' stall was in front of me! So, I bought a small cup and boy did it hit the spot. I wonder why I didn't feel this sensation before, but it was like eating flavored ice!
There you go. Hopefully this list won't grow any longer! : )
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