Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A New Road

I posted about the crossroad I was in a few months back. Since then, I have been through a lot of thinking and prayers. As I have said, I was to make a decision that will totally change a lot of things in my life and affect the people I love.

It was not an easy decision to make but God lead me to the path He wants me to take.

I have decided to say good bye to the advertising world and pursue my life-long dream of being a pre-school teacher!

It may be unthinkable (unimaginable, even), but those who really know me would know that it is really my dream to be a full-time housewife/mother and a pre-school teacher.

I have always known that when I become a mom, I would give up my career in advertising and become a domestic goddess (with no pun intended, i know that the advertising world is not really a family-friendly industry and i have no plans of leaving my kids to a yaya). What I didn't know is that it would happen earlier than planned.

You see, we are not just planning for a wedding, we are also building (okay, renovating) a house. I was confident that I can manage to work on weekdays and work on the wedding and the house on weekends. But the unbelievable workload at the office was just too much that I not only work till the wee hours of the morning but even my weekends were consumed by work. And if ever my weekends are free, I'll just be to exhausted to do anything.

Planning for the wedding and building a home was not fun anymore and realized that there is something totally wrong with that picture. So, to cut the long story short, I decided to work on what's more important -- my life, and actually enjoy it!

So now, I am enjoying being a full-time wedding planner and foreman, looking forward to walking down the aisle and moving into a new home.

Of course, I can't wait to be addressed as "Teacher Anne".

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