Friday, November 11, 2005

TAGGED: 20 Random Facts

It seems that I only want to blog about trivial stuff. I guess it's some sort of an escape from the escalating stress, anxiety, nervousness and stress brought about by the wedding. Thanks, Kathy for tagging me :)

And so, here are 20 random facts about myself:

1. I have a "foot-in-mouth" disease and a sharp tongue
- I'm a very frank and straightforward. I always, always say what's on my mind without sugar coating them (but this is true for the nice and not-so-nice things I say).
2. I hate reading - I'd rather watch TV or movies. BUT, if I like a book, I can finish it in one sitting.
3. I am a frustrated singer - I love to sing, but the feeling isn't mutual. BUT that never stopped me from singing on stage, in piano bars and videoke bars.
4. I love the sea - actually, any body of water -- even rain!
5. I can't play any musical instrument - I wish to learn th play the drums though
6. I hate shopping - I think I'm the only girl in this planet who isn't into it. Believe it or not, I haven't been to Divisoria. Just the thought of going makes me tired already. I will pay extra for the convenience of shopping.
7. I am OC in some ways - for a happy-go-lucky person, I have my own quirks - I can't walk on covered manholes, I can't eat using non-matching utensils (even plastic ones), my outfit should be color coordinated from head to toe (including my undies)
8. I only have a handful of female friends (around 10) the rest are male and gay :)
9. I am scared of needles
10. I carry a picture of my dad in my wallet all the time
11. I hate people burping out loud - major pet peeve
12. I hate people who litter - especially those who throw trash out of their car windows
13. I am actually concerned about the environment - one reason why I quit smoking
14. I'm a VERY picky eater - it's a challenge to figure out what I will and will not eat. Trust me it's not simple.
15. I'm not the friendliest person on earth - I am sociable, but it takes time for me to warm up (much less trust) to people.
16. I am a techie wannabe - I try to teach myself the language of the world wide web
17. I'm not into printed, especially floral stuff (except for my socks and undies)
18. I only own 3 pairs of slacks - the rest are jeans and skirts
19. My wardrobe size (in case any of you plan to get me something for Christmas) - Shirt-XS; Pants/Skirts-S; Jeans-26"(i have big hips, ok?); Shoes-5
20. My favorite color is blue.

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