Monday, December 12, 2005

Home Stretch

After the frenzy of the wedding preparations, came the filled social calendar. I've been attending shower parties (have to blog about this separately, but don't really have the time now), christmas parties, reunions (relatives flying in from all over the world to attend our wedding!). Up until last night, I haven't had decent sleep.

The wedding is all set. Moving in to my new home this week. And on Sunday, December 18, 2005, I'm walking down the aisle and say my lifetime promise to Myke.

I am way over my head as far as my feelings are concerned. I am overwhelmed with too much emotion -- anxious, excited, happy, sad, nervous, -- that I just feel numb. I guess all brides go through this and I know it's something that will only come once in my life that's why I somehow welcome this craziness I feel.
(Deep breath)

So, this is it! Next time I blog, I'll be a happily married woman. And before I forget to blog about it, I would like to thank God for this wonderful gift of marriage -- marriage to a wonderful man.

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