Monday, August 21, 2006

Entertainment Bits

Funny how people have been asking us where we've been lately. Or how come they havent' heard that we've gone to some new place. I guess because they know that hubby and I love to travel.

Well, we're saving up for a trip before the end of the year, that's why we haven't been anywhere but here in Manila. Hubby gets his dose of business trips at least once a month, so he's pretty much hanging in there. While poor me, itching to go ANYWHERE! The only thing we can afford is a road trip and the weather lately does not permit that! Sigh.

So, to ignore this irritating travel bug, here's what I've been doing to entertain myself until that time I can step on a plane again:

The ever reliable DVDs
I remember when I was single and living alone, my DVDs would keep me company during those times when I had nobody to go out with or just plain lazy to get out of bed.

I know, I know, I recently saw this in the big screen. But as I've said, I'm a HUGE fan. So, I got the 2 disc DVD copy! Jonathan Larson's story (in the special features disc) is inspiring and touching. It's just tragic that he passed away the day of the opening night. NO DAY BUT TODAY. Now, I really can't wait to see it on Broadway! And who would have thought that this script was inspired by Puccini's La Boheme.

This has been gathering cobwebs in our DVD cabinet. Finally, got to watch it. I just adore that boy (I forget his name. The same boy in "Love Actually)! Of course, Emma Thompson is just so, so talented.

Do not laugh. Yes, I admit. I am a fan. Since I first saw the trailer on TV, I made sure I was free to watch its premiere telecast over Disney Channel. I love it so much that I bought the DVD, the soundtrack and I am memorizing the songs and the dance steps! Oh my! Plus, I've been scoring brownie points with the kids in school because I'm the only teacher who knows the musical and actually sing the songs! Cool, huh? (Click on the photo to go to the website. Who knows, you might like it too!) Oh, and I must say that I clapped and screamed when it won the Teen Choice award for Best Musical! That's how much of a fan I am.

Watching Movies
Well, there hasn't been a lot of movies worthy of a trip to a mall just to watch. Too bad we didn't get to catch any Cinemalaya film. But we have managed to see a couple (literally) in the past months.

Of course, with a comic geek for a husband, how could we miss this film?! We even watched it on IMAX 3D! I was not ecstatic about the film, but the IMAX 3D technology and uber hot Brandon Routh made the trip to the godawful SM Mall of Asia worth it.

We weren't really planning on watching this film but my cousins from the U.S. were in town and wanted to see it. So we watched it with them. And like the first one, it was surprisingly funny! Johnny Depp is just perfect for the role! I can't imagine anyone else who can do justice to the role of Capt. Jack Sparrow. Plus, of course, Keira Knightly is such a charmer. I'm glad we saw this on the wide screen. I can't wait to see the sequel!

Stage Plays
Like the movie houses, there has not been any good (well, for us) plays staged lately, EXCEPT for this one:

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My hubby and I are fans of this graphic novel and we just love it so much that we watched the stage play twice! And we don't mind watching it over and over again. Can't say we're happy with the chosen movie cast (I personally think that Zsa Zsa Padilla is too old for the role of Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah. I still believe Eula Valdez will do more justice to the role or Marky Meily's choice - Rufa Mae Quinto and I still can't imagine Rustom Padilla as Ada.), but we really hope they do justice to this wonderful story. Read more about this play by clicking on the photo.

Notice that there's been a barage of foreign artists staging concerts in our country lately? I think it's a good sign. I remember a couple of years back, a Client and I were looking at bringing a few artists over for a performance but no one was even planning on swinging by the Philippines because of security reasons! I'm glad this sentiment no longer exist (and I hope it stays this way).

She performed in Eastwood, every Thursdays last July. And we watched her 2 consecutive nights! Not that we're huge fans (but we did get a copy of her CD when it was released), but we like watching her shake her hips and kick her shoes off! Plus, these performances were free! Her voice isn't that spectacular, but she's a joy to watch (ask every D.O.M. and our friend DOM, hehehe)! Thing is, we forgot about her concert at the Music Museum last August 11. I guess we're not really into her. But I think, we'll go see her again some time (She's still in Eastwood every Thursdays of August).

Actual pictures of the concert

I swear, I will have those abs again! Seeing those hot, hot babes strut their stuff made me miss my dancing days. I think I'm going to take dance classes again. Oh, anyway, about the was so much fun! Araneta Coliseum was packed! I did not sit down the entire concert (much to the dismay of the person behind me. too bad i didn't care)! I've been a fan since I first heard "Don't cha" and I played their CD for a whole month prior to their concert, making sure I memorized the songs come concert night! Just a bit disappointed that they didn't sing "Flirt". But I had fun, nonetheless.

Okay, okay! We didn't watch it. We could only afford to see one concert. Since we had already seen BEP in concert a couple of years back and their concert this year fell on a Thursday, we decided to go see PCD, whose concert fell on a Friday. However, we were able to catch it televised over ABS-CBN (i think a week after the concert) and boy, do I regret not watching them! They were awesome! Their energy level was just up there! Hubby and I swore that we will definitely go see them when they come back, no matter what.

There you go. If any of you know of any interesting shows, movies, concerts, plays to watch, or nearby places to travel to (where you can do something else aside from just eating), do let me know, because I know this travel bug will be biting for quite a long while.

Of course it's always nice to just stay home and cuddle with my hubby, especially on this cold and rainy weather. So, that's just what I'll do right now. ;) Enjoy what's left of the 3-day weekend!

Click on the photos if you want to check out websites of the shows and/or artists

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