I understand that a friendship can and will be tested a thousand times. There will be a lot of conflicts, misunderstandings, fights. And you go through ALL of these (good times and bad as they say) with THAT one friend and still keep the relationship as if it's never been scathed. You do not lose this friendship because whatever comes between you two, the important thing is, no one will feel betrayed (yep, for me, trust is the most essential part of friendship.), ever. And no matter how difficult things may be, you both trust that the other always mean well.
Growing up, I have always longed for a best friend. We moved around a lot, we never stayed in a place long enough for me to develop that kind of friendship I long for. By the time I develop a deeper degree of closeness with someone, we're ready for the next move.
We finally settled when I got to college. That's when I met my best friend. But she wasn't my best friend until 5 years after college. By that time, we have gone through hell and high waters. Let's just say, we fought over guy (among other things) - which I believe is one of the worst things to fight about between 2 girl friends. Our friendship is so strong that our parents have developed a friendship of their own, too! You might be wondering, where do my (ex) boyfriends stand in this. Well, sad to say, none of them stood the test of time. Honestly, I don't believe that a best friend can be replaced. But, on the contrary, something in me also dictates that your significant other SHOULD be your best friend. Makes sense. Thankfully, I never had the dilemma of "should I replace my best friend with my boyfriend-now-my-new-best friend".
Until I got engaged.
My hubby, then my boyfriend/fiance, has obviously stood the test of time and has qualities to be MY best friend. Oh dear. What now? I can't kick out my best friend nor can I deny the fact that my hubby is ALSO my best friend! So, I said to myself, what the hell, they can share the title. However, I have somehow always felt uneasy whenever I talk about my best friend and refer to a girl friend and not my hubby. And I feel worse thinking that people might be wondering why I refer to someone else and not my hubby when I use those words.
And I finally figured it out. My girl friend is (still) my BEST FRIEND and my hubby is (now) my BESTEST FRIEND. Ha! There you go! Makes more sense.
So let me tell you why he's my BESTEST (which is really the point of this post. obviously, you can tell by the title):
1. Let's start with the most obvious. He's my husband. The man I married, for, I believe, the right reasons. The person God prepared for me.
2. He respects and accepts me for who I am, and who I've been. I am not the easiest person to deal with as most of my friends can attest to. And I can shock the most liberated person I know with my past "adventures". Mind blowing for a conservative guy like him.
3. He knows what I want before I even say it.
4. He knows what food I will and most importantly WILL NOT eat. I am very difficult to feed. But he also knows how to encourage me to try eating food I normally wouldn't, like capers. My friends are actually surprise that I order salad now.
5. He's always ready for an adventure. Be it trying out a new resto, watch a tagalog movie, go dancing, videoke nights, pose for a photograph, going on trips, discovering what's out there, etc. How much more fun can it get than going on an adventure with the one you love? Or having someone to drag along (especially those spur of the moment moments) for whatever reason?
6. He's my shoulder to cry on. Even if the things I cry about are sometime trivial or downright ridiculous. Yet, he has the guts to tell me to get over it.
7. He's my kilig absorber. He doesn't mind if I tell him all about a crush. Or have coffee with one. Even calls me kikay. Goes without saying, I can really talk to him about ANYTHING under the sun.
8. He makes me laugh with his jokes. Well, he can make me laugh without even trying (go figure if that's a compliment or not, hehe).
9. He makes me cry, too. Unintentionally, of course. But he knows when to humbly say sorry. Which I really believe makes our friendship/marriage stronger.
10. He stays up with me even if his eyes are already heavier than both of us combined. He doesn't even mind being awakened from his hard earned sleep whenever I feel like talking about something that's in my mind that I can't get some shut eye.
11. He doesn't mind just bumming around. And I know that, this takes a whole lot from someone who feels guilty about not doing anything "productive". You know me, I love to just sleep and chill.
12. Everything I cook/feed him is great! Even my pathetic kitchen experiments. But he also suggests how to improve my kitchen skills.
13. No matter how much of a failure I feel I am, he's always proud of me. He believes in me, no matter what.
14. He understands me whenever I say "I'm not in the mood", and I don't want to talk. Or when I wake up grumpy. Or when I'm PMSing. He doesn't probe. He patiently waits until I snap out of my drama. Then he starts asking :). Because he knows I'll feel better talking about it.
15. He encourages me to try out/learn new things (not just food). He has this immense hunger for learning that it's amazing how much more enriching life can be, even if you know that things are already at its best.
I can go on and on, but this post is too long already (probably wouldn't read it myself!). And with that I'd like to say:
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