Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gifts that make you go....


As I mentioned in my previous post, I love opening presents. It's fun trying to get into the mind of the gift giver during that exact moment when he/she was deciding what to get for me. Have you ever uttered the words "What was he thinking?!" upon opening a present? Hahaha!

Here's a list of "my favorite gifts" this year. This is not to diss the others that didn't make the list nor sound unappreciative. Admit it, we all have our faves among the lot, right? And here's mine:

SHARED GIFTS - One beef I have about being married is that your gifts become conjugal too!(TO: Mr. & Mrs or Dear ____&____). Whatever happened to the individual gifts we used to get?! :) Thankfully, there are those who"respect" our union AND our individuality, and opted for the "His & Hers" type of gifts. And here's the best H&H present we received.

I am not a perfume person, but these are great! Ang bango! Thanks to Globe.

PERSONALIZED GIFTS - I'm not talking about mugs or pens or keychains that has your name engraved on it. I'm referring to those labor of love items, carefully thought out to make sure that it puts a smile straight to your heart. Perfect example that gifts need not be expensive.

Like these little "thoughts for the day" from a co-teacher, that came in a tiny pouch that can surely perk up any gloomy day.

Or this framed photo of me and a student (obviously, mom's idea) and the compiled (also)framed photos of our adventures with our couple friends, D&P.

REQUESTED GIFTS - I know I said I don't give out a wish list. True. These items are those I asked for, not for Christmas, but nonetheless got them as Christmas gifts!

Thanks to my friend D, I can now carry a tripod anywhere I go, however small my bag may be. No more trying to look for the perfect surface to put the camera on for a perfect group shot. :)

And super thanks to my Tita for sending over this vitamin, especially made by and for teachers like moi (you'll never believe how expensive this is here in the country!). And what's great is that it does not contain ingredients that work up your appetite!

- Then there are those things you've been meaning to buy for yourself but haven't for who knows what reason. Then you receive it from people you wouldn't expect to even think of buying one for themselves. Like this webcam we got from my father-in-law.

Now we can talk to our relatives abroad and see each other at the same time! Oh and it perfectly matches the color of our home PC!

SEMI-EXPECTED GIFTS - Of course there are those items you sort of expect you'd receive because you posted it in your blog under the "My Christmas Wishlist" post. Good thing "Santa" had the time to bloghop, I can now print my own pictures at home! Woohoo!!!

Check out the photos I printed by myself! On photopaper! It's just soooo cool! Thanks, Santa!

Thank you to ALL those who sent their Christmas presents and greetings! I wish your Christmas wishes came true! Most of all, I wish you all had a happy Christmas surrounded by those who matter most to you.

(Note: I was trying to post this a few days ago (check the date), but due to the earthquake in Taiwan, our broadband connection was affected, ergo, I couldn't upload.)

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