Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Toothbrush Club

That's the name of my oldest barkada.

I can still remember that day we met. It was the first day of our College life. J & I (both from different high schools, met during the freshman orientation) bumped into each other in the campus and walked to the gym (believe it or not, the first class we were to attend in college was PE!). When we got to the gym, to our surprise, it was under renovation! "Shucks! What do we do now?" Then came M & T. Looking for the same class, too! J & I overheard them talking, so we approached them and asked them if they wanted to go with us to look and ask around.

That's how we became a barkada.

Sadly, the last time all four of us were together was 9 years ago (I think. If not, even longer)! J went to the U.S. soon after College for further studies and eventually, decided to work and live there. I got to meet up with her when she was briefly (I think a few days!) when she was here last 2001. M got to visit her when she went to the U.S. a couple of years back. She didn't get to attend any of our weddings and none of us got to attend hers!

However(!), last night, The Toothbrush Club was reunited once more. It was just like old times. Nothing has changed. We reminisced the entire night, leaving our husbands to discover more and more things about our past! Talked about our lives now (though we do that via email), realizing that we are all freakin' married! And it's like only yesterday that we were sharing our woes about our boylets. Hahahaha! It was so much fun, to say the least. Very much like our carefree younger years. But more than that, I am SO happy to know that I have very good friends, who are more like family, who will always remain true despite being pulled apart by time and distance.

God knows when we'll be able to do this again (I really hope our plan of crashing J's place pushes through. Maybe with our kids in tow.). For now, allow me to look back, reminisce and hold on to this moment, until we are reunited once more.


...and Now.

How time flies, huh? Oh! You might be wondering about the name. It's really simple. After having our lunch, we would all go to the washroom to brush off all those food remnants stuck in between our teeth and braces. Hence, the name.

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