Saturday, February 10, 2007

My Poor Neglected Blog

I have always tried to make sure that my blog is update (at least every 2 weeks). It's been a month since my last post, still, no update. Truth is I have been meaning to blog about several things, but thanks to our inconsistent internet connection (thanks to the Taiwan earthquake), school work (Valentine's Day and Graduation coming up), a couple to consultancy jobs, family events, I couldn't sit down and just blog away.

Just to let you know that I haven't fully forgotten about my blog, here's a list of topics in my increasing blog topics supply:

- our European sojourn (i haven't even finished uploading our pictures!)
- the weddings we've been attending
- our first year wedding anniversary (yes, it's been a year! )
- what i've been eating (utmost sinfulness, i must say)
- my mommy wowa's (my grandmother) passing
- my struggle to keep my weight and stay fit
- our baby plans
- our trip to Baguio
- the 80's (my favorite era!)
- plays and musicals we've seen (about to see)
- my plan to cut my hair after 2 years (which should now be - my new hairdo)

Quite a few more, really. Hopefully, I can cross these things out one by one. Meanwhile, this will have to do.

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