Monday, April 16, 2007

Hoy! Hoy! Buloy!

I don't have household help-not in-house-just a cleaning lady who comes over once a week. So, whenever my husband an I are away, my brother house-sits AND dog-sits for us.

About 2 weeks ago, though, we went to the beach with my family and needless to say, my brother was with us. So, who took care of our dog? US! We brought him with us! Of course this was just a land trip, that's why it was possible.

It was our dog's first trip! Ever! And he loved it! Although we was just too scared to be in the water. He was content to be on the shore and just watch from afar.

We also had fun tagging him along that we, once again, brought him with us last weekend.

Everybody, meet our dog, Buloy.

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