Monday, May 07, 2007

Break of Dawn

It's 4:34 a.m. The cabin lights are out. It's pitch dark. My eyesight, hazy. All I could see is the green lighted sign to the lavatory. I pull up my window shade, my eyes start to focus and I see the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. Hues of blue, orange and yellow, splashed across what seems like dark canvass. I am in awe. The movie "What Dreams May Come" comes to mind then a strong, strong feeling of God's presence surrounds me and a feeling of happiness overwhelmes me. Still in awe, I manage to (silently) utter "Thank you, God."

I know what I captured through my humble point-and-shoot camera doesn't give justice to what I saw but I hope I could share with you even just a tiny bit of what I felt when I saw this beautiful sight.

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