Wednesday, May 18, 2005


As I mentioned in our He Said. She Said. blog, one downside of living alone is cleaning up. I'm not one who loves to clean up a lot, but I do manage to keep my place tidy, despite not have a cleaning lady to help me out. But recently, these are normal sights in my flat that I hope to get rid off someday:

1. Pots and pans piling up in the kitchen sink.
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2. Clothes, bags, etc, that needs to be put away are piled on my bean bag.
(Yes, there's a bean bag somewhere underneath this pile)
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3. Unwashed clothes spilling out of my hamper that need to be brought to the laundromat.
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4. Washed clothes picked up from the laundromat 2 weeks ago that need to be fixed in my closet.
(Oh, you don't want to see my closet.)
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5. Depleting house supplies.
(As you can see, I only have one toilet paper roll left!)
(The one on the toilet paper dispenser is almost finished.)
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Gee, I can't remember the last time I was this busy! Meetings overlapping, presentation decks being prepared, tv, radio and print productions, business pitches, both my mobile phones wouldn't stop ringing! Add to that are the wedding preparations that need to be done and the scheduled out of town trips! You get the picture. I'm so busy that I HAVE to bring home work!

Here's the clincher on how my mindset has just been about work. The other night, at home, as I was working on a Power Point presentation, my landline rang, I picked up the phone and said:

"blackpencil Manila!"(name of my company)

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