People always say that I look like my mom. I would always disagree and say that I look like my dad. Eventhough deep inside I admit that we do look alike, for some reason, I wouldn't accept it. No, my mom's not ugly. But I don't want to look like her and I can't explain why.
Maybe because I grew up practically disagreeing with her most of the time. I would find myself constantly arguing with her about almost anything -- from the style of clothes to handling relationships to what to serve during a party to what brand of soap to buy. Like teenagers, we would have bouts of "silent wars" that would last for weeks!
Maybe because I grew up practically disagreeing with her most of the time. I would find myself constantly arguing with her about almost anything -- from the style of clothes to handling relationships to what to serve during a party to what brand of soap to buy. Like teenagers, we would have bouts of "silent wars" that would last for weeks!
However, as much as I don't want to LOOK like her, I do want to BE like her. She's a wonderful person. As a wife, she kept my dad happy and thankful that he ended up with her. As a daughter, she's the lone "caretaker" of my grandparents and gladly goes about it day by day. As a sister, she's "ate" to all her 11 siblings. As a friend, her company is something that is sought during good and bad times. And last but not least, as a mother, she's a winner!
She gave up her career to take care of my dad, me and my siblings. She happily managed our household making sure it was a place we would like to spend most of our time in, where we can proudly bring our friends over, where we always feel safe -- a place we can call home. She stood strong when my dad passed away. Bravely took on the role of both mother and father to somehow ease our pain of losing a parent, tried her best to keep things "normal". She's our pillar of strength. She kept us together... happy together and continues to do so.
When I become a mom, I wish I could be half the mother that she is. Heck, I wish I could be half the person that she is!
Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the world!
But do I REALLY look like her?
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