Yesterday, I woke up really early because of a text message from our Directress saying that we don't have work (Classes are suspended but not necessarily teachers' work). So, I turned on the TV to watch the news. I was surprised to find out that storm signal # 3 is over Metro Manila! I woke up my husband telling him to call off work in his office too! He did. So we stayed in bed the entire morning.
Come lunch time, as we were enjoying sipping our hot soup, I noticed the wind started blowing really hard - as evidenced by the swaying tree outside our balcony. As I watched the branches sway harder and faster, I thought to myself, "hey, that would be a good photo!". So I stood up, got my camera, opened the door to our balcony (boy was the wind blowing hard!) and within seconds, this is what I captured:
... TWO...
I was stunned! Sure, I've seen falling and flying trees, roofs, billboards, what have you, on TV, but I never imagined witnessing something similar right before my eyes! Plus, you wouldn't think something like that will happen close to home! Right?
I am really thankful that no damage was done to our home and that my family and friends are all safe and dry. I hope you all are too. Extra thankful for being one of the lucky ones to have our electricity restored as early as 3pm yesterday.
Here are some photos I took on my way to and from school, of the damage done by the typhoon:

Let us pray for those whose homes have been blown away and loved ones injured or passed away.
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