Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I was never a voracious reader. Heck, reading does not even fall under my list of hobbies and interests. Every so often, I do read. Mostly, I read books that I personally pick out, as oppose to a recommended one. And since I personally pick out these books, more often than not, I get to finish reading it in one or two sitting, regardless of the thickness. Needless to say, I only read one book at a time.

Lately, I think, I am unconsciously developing my interest in books -- reading books, to be more precise. Why do I say this? Last weekend, I was fixing my night side table and noticed something:

A stack of books! Books that I am CURRENTLY reading. Yup, I am reading all six books at the moment. It's taking me longer than usual to finish a book, but my point is, I am reading A LOT more books now and more frequently, I must say. I've even started borrowing books from friends! I've stopped squirming whenever my hubby leads me into a bookstore. I sometimes even initiate going to one!

I don't know if juggling several books at the same time is a good thing, but getting into the habit of reading sure is!

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