Friday, May 29, 2009

Consumed by Motherhood

Oh my. Nagdilang anghel yata ako. Two blog posts back, I mentioned my son's first birthday will just sneak up on me. Well, didn't really sneak up on me, but it's already lurking around the corner. Imagine that.

It's been almost 6 months since my last post. To be honest, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. It's unbelievable how busy being a mother can get. Especially if you're crazy like me insisting on not having a yaya. It's insane. Time has never passed by this fast -- not even during my advertising days!

Everyone's right. This is indeed a crazy ride but I am not complaining. Okay, okay. Sometimes, I am. I mean, how can you have a heart so soft and tough at the same time? Or be both on-guard yet oh so vulnerable?

However, cliche as it may sound, it's really the most enjoyable and fulfilling role I've ever had. Words cannot even begin to describe how a mother beams with so much pride over each and every milestone of her child (No, I am not going to enumerate my son's loooong - hehe - list.). It is also the toughest role ever. Yet, I love it, with every bit of my being.

My son is asleep already as I write this. And I am waiting for my husband to come home. This is probably just some pahabol post partum blues, but am glad I had this rare moment alone to proudly write about what's keeping me busy nowadays.


Ines B. Yao said...

I can totally relate -- and I wonder why. Hahahaha!

Even if we are consumed by motherhood, we also don't let it totally swallow us up -- which is good :)

Am glad we're together in this ride! And one heck of a ride it is!!!

donna_chocnut said...

Awwww, how touching naman =) Yes you're so right - time just snaps by...Uuuyy, new blog format ;p

AnneMac said...

Ines - me, too! we soon have to buy "What to Expect" toddlers version. hahaha!

Dona - oo, i refreshed it. parang luma na yung isa eh. yun nga lang, i lost all the comments, links, and other things i added before and i don't have the time to add them now :(